Groupies for Beginners
After hatching a plan to see more (slightly less known) bands with the Hobbit and the Womble, we set out to see You Say Party! We Say Die! purely because I loved their name. And it turned out that they had toured with Pretty Girls Make Graves, a band I saw recently and accidently bought a tshirt off the bass player without realising he was the bass player until he came on stage. Oops. At least I was prepared and wore aforementioned tshirt to show that I'm a cool indie kid, honest. It made an excellent conversation starter with the keyboardist of the band who was in charge of the merchandise - the embarrassing part was when the Hobbit wanted to find out her name so he could try hit on her later so I got her to sign my CD. Do cool indie kids get CDs signed? I don't know but it was the start of what will become my career as a groupie. By the end of the night, I had acquired 2 set lists, a guitar pick and played tambourine for You Say Party! We Say Die (as Chris was very kind and shared).
It was fun - just what you need after a week of unnecessary stress - an excuse to jump up and down like a nutter and make up your own words to songs that you're actually hearing for the first time but wish you knew more of...
Meanwhile... seeing Beck on Saturday night.