Tony Blair faces relegation
Tony Blair recently compared himself to Arsene Wenger and Alex Ferguson. Now, I don't know a lot about soccer ("football" as they like to call it here), but if Tony Blair was a soccer team, he'd be relegated.
After watching the fabulous Rik Mayall onstage in The New Statesman, the events of last week appeared to have been lifted from the script. I have my beautiful red Vote B'stard rosette, but have to remember to remove it in public for fear of being mistaken for someone who actually cares.
[To be fair, I DO almost care - but to my dismay my political beliefs are difficult to translate from NZ Labour to Britain's "Labour Nouveau" as Mr B'stard refers to it.]
The joy of local government continues (and yes, I remain in my meagre comms role) as the elections approach. In more exciting news, my borough is one of those too-close-to-call ones that the BBC may deem worthy of coverage. I am there purely in a counting capacity (and even I know how tricky it gets in the wee hours of the morning and the papers begin to blur into one another like faces after a tequila round). I'm hoping my services will be required for a few recounts and a bit more overtime to help pay for my glamorous lifestyle. Snigger.